Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Ever since I got my phone, instead of using my phone to call people, I would instead text message people. I feel that texting is very private, and people wouldn't find out your conversation. Another reason is that when you text someone, they are able to send you a message back without using your minutes, so its definitely money saver. In the article, I do agree with some of the statements they put out there. For instance "some distracted texters walk into lamp posts and walls." Being distracted is very dangerous while walking or driving, you should always be aware of your surroundings. Before reading the article, I use to text while driving and walking, but now I am going to make sure that I am less distracted and be more cautious.


Cookie Monster JR said...

yea man a lot of people do dat 2 but i don't have texting but i hear that it is bad 2 do wen you r wlaking so stop

rmartinez1206 said...

texting is the best way for privacy and money saver i really agree with your statements. even though it is a big distraction for people who are in love with enhanced communications options it can be dangerous

leezie012 said...

It can be dangerous always remember that ;]

Ryan said...

what about texting in the shower, would you do that?